Getextra Digital Marketing Agency

Our Services

We created our first Goggle Ads campaign in 2007 and was one of the first agencies in the UK to be awarded the Google Partner badge. In 2018 we were handpicked by Google to their exclusive Elevator scheme, designed enhance the UK’s top-performing agencies.

Award winning search, marketing, websites & advertising

Digital Marketing Agency Hull & Beverley

Google Ad Sizes

As a general rule wider ad sizes tend to outperform their taller counterparts, this is due to their reader-friendly format. Readers absorb information in “thought units”, in several words at a time. The wider sizes allow them to read more text at just a glance without having to skip a line and return to the left margin every few words, as they’d have to with a narrower ad.

If positioned well, wide ad sizes can increase your earnings significantly.

The sizes we’ve found to be the most effective are:

  1. 336 x 280 large rectangle
  2. 300 x 250 medium rectangle
  3. 728 x 90 leaderboard
  4. 300 x 600 half page

and on mobile

  1. 320 x 50 mobile leaderboard

Bear in mind that while these ad sizes will typically perform well, you should always use the size that will complement your pages.

For more information about some of the different google ad sizes look at the chart below…



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